Before we begin with some hands-on examples, some useful commands to run in pandas are as follows:
- pd.read_csv(‘inport_filename.csv', header=1): Reads data from a CSV file directly into a pandas DataFrame
- my_df.to_csv(‘export_filename'): Directly exports the DataFrame to a CSV file to your workstation
- my_df.shape: Provides the number of rows and columns of your DataFrame
- Provides metadata about your DataFrame, including data types for each column
- my_df.describe(): Includes statistical details with a column that includes the count, mean, standard deviation (std), minimum, maximum, and percentiles (25th, 50th, and 75th) for any numeric column
- my_df.head(2): Displays the first two records from the DataFrame
- my_df.tail(2): Displays the last two records from the DataFrame
- my_df.sort_index(1): Sorts by the labels along an axis&...