Using service accounts with OSB
In this recipe, we will discuss an OSB feature called service accounts. A service account (SA) is mainly used by proxy and business services for setting up an outbound connection to external resources such as a JMS, FTP, or E-mail server, where authentication is necessary. Apart from that it can be used for simple transport-level authentication to remote web services where HTTP basic authentication is necessry.
The setup for that recipe is shown in the following figure. We can see that both the Customer Management proxy service on the left and the Mock CustomerService proxy service on the right (the mock implementation) require Basic authentication. In between, we have the Customer Service business service which we will configure in this recipe so that the credentials are passed-through.

Getting ready
Make sure to have access to a working Eclipse OEPE. We will continue with a project from Chapter 1, Creating a Basic OSB Service, which we made available as...