Multiple CAs - stacking, using the capath directive
The goal of this recipe is to create an OpenVPN setup where the client certificates are signed by a "client-only" CA and the server certificate is signed by a different "server-only" CA. This provides an extra level of operational security, where one person is allowed to create only client certificates, whereas another is allowed to generate only a server certificate. This ensures that the client and server certificates can never be mixed for a Man-in-the-Middle attack.
Getting ready
Set up the server certificate using the first recipe from Chapter 2, Client-server IP-only Networks. Use the client certificate and the intermediary CA certificate from the previous recipe. For this recipe, the server computer was running CentOS 6 Linux and OpenVPN 2.3.10. The client was running Fedora 22 Linux and OpenVPN 2.3.10.
How to do it...
Create the server configuration file:
     tls-server     proto udp     port 1194     dev tun ...