- activenite$$UserMap object
- about / The nite::UserMap object
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- Asus Xtion
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- connecting, steps for / How to do it..., How it works...
- Asus Xtion Pro Live
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- auto exposure
- enabling / Enabling/disabling auto exposure and auto white balance, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- disabling / Enabling/disabling auto exposure and auto white balance, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- center of gravity (COM)
- about / The nite::UserData object
- center of mass
- reading / Reading users' bounding boxes and center of mass, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- centerPixel variable / How it works...
- ClearLines() function / How it works...
- Click Gesture / Recognizing predefined hand gestures
- color space
- wider / Wider color space for showing more details
- crossed hands pose / Detecting a user's pose
- 3D Hand Tracking Library
- URL / What is NiTE?
- 3D scanners
- URL / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- 3DUI
- about / Introduction to the "Introduction"
- data
- event-based, reading / Event-based reading of data, How to do it..., How it works...
- data streams
- speed, changing / There's more...
- depth frame
- overlaying, over image frame / Overlaying the depth frame over the image frame, How to do it..., How it works...
- depth sensor
- frame, reading / Reading and showing a frame from the depth sensor, How to do it..., How it works...
- depth sensors
- syncing / Syncing image and depth sensors to read new frames from both streams at the same time, How to do it..., How it works...
- Depth stream
- supported video modes list, retrieving / Retrieving a list of supported video modes for depth stream, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- accessing, specific device used / Selecting a specific device for accessing depth stream, How to do it..., How it works...
- depth unit
- converting, to millimeter / Converting the depth unit to millimetre, How it works...
- device connect
- listening to / Listening to the device connect and disconnect events, How to do it..., How it works...
- device object
- about / The device object
- devices
- sharing, between applications / Sharing devices between applications
- connected devices, list / Enumerating a list of connected devices, How to do it..., How it works..., List of known Product IDs and Vendor IDs at the time of writing of this book
- resolutions / Known supported list of resolutions of each sensor in different devices
- device state changed event
- about / Device state changed event
- device variable / How it works...
- DirectX / Configuring Visual Studio 2010 to use OpenGL
- disconnect events
- listening to / Listening to the device connect and disconnect events, How to do it..., How it works...
- drawCircle() function / How it works...
- error handling
- about / OpenNI class and error handling, How to do it..., How it works...
- event-based reading
- of hands data / Event-based reading of hands' data, How to do it..., How it works...
- event listener / Event-based reading of users' data
- events
- listening to, stopping / Stop listening to events
- filling shadows / Filling shadows
- float variable / How it works...
- Fotonic
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- URL / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- frame
- from image sensor, reading / Reading and showing a frame from the image sensor (color/IR), How to do it..., How it works...
- from image sensor, showing / Reading and showing a frame from the image sensor (color/IR), How to do it..., How it works...
- from depth sensor, reading / Reading and showing a frame from the depth sensor, How to do it..., How it works...
- from depth sensor, showing / Reading and showing a frame from the depth sensor, How to do it..., How it works...
- frames
- from buffer, cropping / Cropping and mirroring frames right from the buffer, How to do it...
- from buffer, mirroring / Cropping and mirroring frames right from the buffer, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Getting ready
- alternatives / GLUT alternatives
- glutPostRedisplay() function / How it works...
- gl_DisplayCallback() functio / How it works...
- gl_DisplayCallback() function / How it works..., Filling shadows, How it works..., How to do it..., How it works...
- gl_DisplayCallback function / How it works..., Histogram equalization – better details in the same color space
- gl_IdleCallback() function / How to do it..., How it works..., How it works...
- gl_IdleCallback function / How it works...
- gl_KeyboardCallback() function / How it works..., How it works...
- gl_KeyboardCallback function / How it works...
- gl_MouseCallback() / How it works...
- gl_MouseCallback() function / How it works...
- gl_texture variable / How it works..., How it works...
- Graphics Device Interface (GDI) / Configuring Visual Studio 2010 to use OpenGL
- hand gestures
- predefined hand gestures, recognizing / Recognizing predefined hand gestures, How to do it..., How it works...
- hand ID
- user ID, finding / Finding the related user ID for each hand ID, How it works...
- handId variable / How it works...
- HandleStatus() function / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How to do it..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- HandleStatus() method / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- HandleStatus function / How it works...
- Hand Raise Gesture / Recognizing predefined hand gestures
- Hand Raise gesture / Working sample for controlling the mouse by hand
- hands
- tracking / Tracking hands, How to do it..., How it works...
- hands data
- event-based reading / Event-based reading of hands' data, How to do it..., How it works...
- HandTracker / Compared to skeleton tracking
- image frame
- depth frame, overlaying over / Overlaying the depth frame over the image frame, How to do it..., How it works...
- image histograms
- URL / Histogram equalization – better details in the same color space
- image sensors
- syncing / Syncing image and depth sensors to read new frames from both streams at the same time, How to do it..., How it works...
- integer variable / How it works...
- introduction
- about / Introduction to the "Introduction"
- IR stream / There's more...
- isInCropping / How it works...
- isMouseDown variable / How it works...
- IsSegmentsColliding() function / How it works...
- Kinect
- URL / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- MapGenerator class / VideoFrameRef object
- memcpy() function / How it works...
- memset() function / How it works...
- MetaData types
- about / VideoFrameRef object
- method
- defining, to display error message / Defining a method for displaying error message
- Microsoft Kinect
- connecting / Connecting Microsoft Kinect
- connecting, steps for / How to do it..., How it works...
- Microsoft Kinect SDK
- downloading / Downloading and installing the Microsoft Kinect SDK, How to do it...
- installing / How to do it..., How to do it...
- millimeter
- depth unit, converting to / Converting the depth unit to millimetre, How it works..., There's more...
- mouse
- controlling, with hand / Working sample for controlling the mouse by hand, How to do it..., How it works...
- mouseDownX variable / How it works...
- mouseDownY variable / How it works...
- natural interactive user interface
- used, for developing games / Developing applications and games with the Natural Interactive User Interface
- used, for developing applications / Developing applications and games with the Natural Interactive User Interface
- nearest point
- color, retrieving / Retrieving the color of the nearest point without depth over color registration
- NI (Natural Interaction)
- about / Introduction to the "Introduction"
- NiTE
- about / What is NiTE?
- downloading / Downloading and installing NiTE, How to do it...
- installing / How to do it..., How it works...
- nite$$GestureData$$getCurrentPosition() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$getType() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$isComplete() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$isInProgress() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData object, methods
- nite$$GestureData$$getCurrentPosition() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$getType() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$isComplete() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$GestureData$$isInProgress() method / The nite::GestureData object
- nite$$HandData$$getPosition() method / The nite::HandData object, How it works...
- nite$$HandData$$isLost() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isNew() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isTouchingFov() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isTracking() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData object
- methods / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData object, methods
- nite$$HandData$$getId() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$getPosition() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isLost() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isNew() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isTouchingFov() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandData$$isTracking() method / The nite::HandData object
- nite$$HandTracker$$convertHandCoordinatesToDepth() method / The nite::HandTracker object, How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker$$readFrame() / How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker$$readFrame() method / The nite::HandTracker object, How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker$$startGestureDetection() method / How it works..., How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker$$startHandTracking() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$stopGestureDetection() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$stopHandTracking() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getDepthFrame() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getGestures() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object, How it works...
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getHands() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object, How it works...
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef object
- methods / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef object, methods
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getGestures() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getHands() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef$$getDepthFrame() method / The nite::HandTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$HandTrackerFrameRef variable / How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker object / How it works...
- nite$$HandTracker object, methods
- nite$HandTracker$$startGestureDetection() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$startHandTracking() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$stopGestureDetection() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$stopHandTracking() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$convertHandCoordinatesToDepth() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker$$readFrame() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$HandTracker variable / How it works...
- nite$$NiTE$$getVersion() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE$$initialize() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE$$shutdown() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE object
- about / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE object, methods
- nite$$NiTE$$initialize() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE$$shutdown() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$NiTE$$getVersion() method / The nite::NiTE object
- nite$$PoseData$$getType() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isEntered() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isExited() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isHeld() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData object
- methods / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData object, methods
- nite$$PoseData$$getType() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isEntered() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isExited() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$PoseData$$isHeld() method / The nite::PoseData object
- nite$$Skeleton$$getJoint() method / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$Skeleton$$getState() method / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getOrientation() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getOrientationConfidence() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getPosition() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getPositionConfidence() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getType() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint object
- about / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint object, methods
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getOrientation() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getOrientationConfidence() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getPosition() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getPositionConfidence() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$SkeletonJoint$$getType() method / The nite::SkeletonJoint object
- nite$$Skeleton object, methods
- nite$$Skeleton$$getJoint() method / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$Skeleton$$getState() method / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SkeletonState / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATING / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATION_ERROR_HANDS / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATION_ERROR_HEAD / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATION_ERROR_LEGS / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATION_ERROR_NOT_IN_POSE / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_CALIBRATION_ERROR_TORSO / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_NONE / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$SKELETON_TRACKED / The nite::Skeleton object
- nite$$UserData$$getBoundingBox() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getCenterOfMass() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getId() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getPose() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getSkeleton() method / The nite::UserData object, How it works...
- nite$$UserData$$isLost() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$isNew() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$isVisible() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData object
- about / The nite::UserData object
- methods / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData object, methods
- nite$$ UserData$$getCenterOfMass() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getBoundingBox() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getId() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$isLost() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$isNew() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$isVisible() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getPose() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserData$$getSkeleton() method / The nite::UserData object
- nite$$UserMap$$getHeight() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getPixels() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getStride() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getWidth() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap class, methods
- nite$$UserMap$$getWidth() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getHeight() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getPixels() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap$$getStride() method / The nite::UserMap object
- nite$$UserMap object / How it works..., How it works...
- nite$$UserTracker$$convertJointCoordinatesToDepth() method / How it works...
- nite$$UserTracker$$readFrame() method / The nite::UserTracker object, The nite::UserTrackerFrameRef object
- nite$$UserTracker$$startPoseDetection() method / The nite::UserTracker object, How it works...
- nite$$UserTracker$$startSkeletonTracking() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$stopPoseDetection() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$stopSkeletonTracking() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker class / Introduction
- nite$$UserTrackerFrameRef object
- about / The nite::UserTrackerFrameRef object, How it works...
- nite$$UserTracker object
- about / The nite::UserTracker object, The nite::HandTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$readFrame() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker object, methods
- nite$$UserTracker$$startPoseDetection() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$startSkeletonTracking() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$stopPoseDetection() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$$UserTracker$$stopSkeletonTracking() method / The nite::UserTracker object
- nite$HandTracker$$startGestureDetection() method / The nite::HandTracker object
- about / Introduction to the "Introduction"
- NiWrapper.Net / Developing applications and games with the Natural Interactive User Interface
- OniDepthPixel / VideoFrameRef object
- ONI file
- streams, recording to file / Recording streams to file (ONI file), How to do it..., How it works...
- Oni file
- opening / Opening an already recorded file (ONI file) instead of a device, How to do it..., How it works...
- OniGrayscale16Pixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OniRGB888Pixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OniYUV422DoublePixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OpenGL
- preparing / Initializing and preparing OpenGL, How to do it..., How it works...
- OpenNI
- about / What is OpenNI?, Introduction
- downloading / Downloading and installing OpenNI, How to do it...
- installing / How to do it..., How it works...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$getExposure() method / There's more...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$getGain() method / There's more...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$setAutoExposureEnabled() method / How it works...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$setAutoWhiteBalanceEnabled() method / How it works...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$setExposure() method / There's more...
- openni$$CameraSettings$$setGain() method / There's more...
- openni$$CameraSettings object
- about / The openni::CameraSettings object
- openni$$CoordinateConverter class
- about / The openni::CoordinateConverter class
- openni$$Device$$getImageRegistrationMode() method / How it works...
- openni$$Device$$hasSensor() method / How it works...
- openni$$Device$$open() method / Selecting a specific device for accessing depth stream
- openni$$DeviceInfo.getName() method / How it works...
- openni$$DeviceInfo.getUri() method / How it works...
- openni$$DeviceInfo.getUsbProductId() method / How it works...
- openni$$DeviceInfo.getUsbVendorId() method / How it works...
- openni$$DeviceInfo.getVendor() method / How it works...
- openni$$Device object
- about / The openni::Device object
- openni$$OpenNI$$addDeviceConnectedListener() method / How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI$$addDeviceDisconnectedListener() method / How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI$$enumerateDevices() method / How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI$$getExtendedError() / How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI$$getVersion() method / How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI$$initialize() method / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., The nite::NiTE object
- openni$$OpenNI$$initilize() / Enumerating a list of connected devices
- openni$$OpenNI$$waitForAnyStream() / Back to the OpenNI object again
- openni$$OpenNI class / How it works..., How it works...
- openni$$OpenNI object / Back to the OpenNI object again
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY8 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY16 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_SHIFT_9_2 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_SHIFT_9_3 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422 / How it works...
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_YUYV / How it works...
- openni$$PlaybackControl$$seek() method / How it works...
- openni$$Recorder$$attach() method / How it works...
- openni$$Recorder$$create() method / How it works...
- openni$$Recorder class / Recording streams to file (ONI file)
- openni$$SensorInfo$$getSupportedVideoModes() method / How it works...
- openni$$SensorInfo object / How it works...
- openni$$Status / Defining a method for displaying error message
- about / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_ERROR / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_NO_DEVICE / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_OK / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status$$STATUS_OUT_OF_FLOW / Possible values of openni::Status
- openni$$Status datatype / OpenNI class and error handling
- openni$$VideoFrameRef / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getDataSize() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getFrameIndex() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getHeight() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getSensorType() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getStrideInBytes() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getTimestamp() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getVideoMode() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef$$getWidth() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoFrameRef object / How it works...
- openni$$VideoFrameRef variable / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoStream / How it works...
- TopicnreadFrame() method / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoStream$$readFrame() method / How it works...
- openni$$VideoStream$$setMirroringEnabled() method / How it works...
- openni$$VideoStream.getCameraSettings() method / How it works...
- openni$$VideoStream class / VideoFrameRef object
- openni$$VideoStream method / How it works..., Cropping and mirroring frames right from the buffer
- openni$$VideoStream object / VideoFrameRef object, The openni::CameraSettings object
- about / The openni::VideoStream object
- openni$$VideoStream objects / How it works...
- OpenNI class
- about / OpenNI class and error handling, How to do it..., How it works...
- OpenNI object
- about / The OpenNI object, The device object
- pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_SHIFT_9_2 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_SHIFT_9_3 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY8 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY16 / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG / Pixel formats
- openni$$PixelFormat$$PIXEL_FORMAT_YUYV / Pixel formats
- unsigned char / VideoFrameRef object
- OniDepthPixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OniRGB888Pixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OniGrayscale16Pixel / VideoFrameRef object
- OniYUV422DoublePixel / VideoFrameRef object
- playback options
- changing / There's more...
- playControl object / How it works...
- player
- controlling, while file opening / Controlling the player when opening a device from file, How to do it..., How it works...
- POINTFLOAT variable / How it works...
- PongBall$$angle / How it works...
- PongBall$$location / How it works...
- PongBall$$speed / How it works...
- pong game
- designing, skeleton tracking used / Designing a simple pong game using skeleton tracking
- PrimeSense sensors
- connecting, steps for / How to do it..., How it works...
- printf() function / How it works..., How it works...
- Product IDs
- list / List of known Product IDs and Vendor IDs at the time of writing of this book
- project
- creating, in Visual Studio 2010 / Creating a project in Visual Studio 2010, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- PSI pose / Detecting a user's pose
- push
- about / How it works...
- RBI (Reality based interaction)
- about / Introduction to the "Introduction"
- ReadLastCharOfLine() function / How it works..., How it works..., How to do it..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- ReadLastCharOfLine() method / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- ReadLastCharOfLine variable / How it works...
- RGB stream / There's more...
- selectedSensor variable / How it works...
- sensorType argument / How it works...
- SetActiveSensor function / How it works...
- skeleton tracking
- about / Compared to skeleton tracking
- used, for designing pong game / Designing a simple pong game using skeleton tracking, How it works...
- Structured-light 3D scanning
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- TipTep Skeletonizer
- URL / What is NiTE?
- unsigned char / VideoFrameRef object
- user
- pose, detecting / Detecting a user's pose, How to do it..., How it works...
- skeleton joints, getting / Getting a user's skeleton joints and displaying their position in the depth map, How to do it..., How it works...
- position, displaying in depth map / Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- user ID
- finding, for hand ID / Finding the related user ID for each hand ID, How it works...
- userId variable / How it works...
- users
- active users, list / Getting a list of all the active users, How to do it..., How it works...
- bounding box, reading / Reading users' bounding boxes and center of mass, Getting ready, How it works..., There's more...
- users data
- event-based reading / Event-based reading of users' data, How it works...
- users pixel
- in depth map, identifying / Identifying and coloring users' pixels in depth map, How to do it..., How it works...
- in depth map, coloring / Identifying and coloring users' pixels in depth map, How to do it..., How it works...
- UserTracker / Compared to skeleton tracking
- uTracker variable / How it works...
- Vendor IDs
- list / List of known Product IDs and Vendor IDs at the time of writing of this book
- video modes
- supported video modes for depth stream, retrieving / Retrieving a list of supported video modes for depth stream, How to do it..., How it works...
- VideoStream$$setCropping() method / How it works...
- VideoStream object
- about / The VideoStream object
- paused state / VideoStream paused state
- video streams
- accessing / Accessing video streams (depth/IR/RGB) and configuring them, How to do it..., How it works...
- Visual Studio 2010
- project, creating in / Creating a project in Visual Studio 2010, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- configuring, to use OpenGPL / Configuring Visual Studio 2010 to use OpenGL, How to do it..., How it works...
- Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition
- URL, for downloading / Getting ready
- URL, for installing / Getting ready
- Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition / Getting ready
- vSlam
- about / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- URL / Motion-capture devices and the technologies behind them
- Wave Gesture / Recognizing predefined hand gestures
- while loop / Event-based reading of hands' data
- Windows SDK
- URL, for downloading / Getting ready
- window_h variable / How it works...
- window_w variable / How it works...