In each phase, keep in mind that it is a part of a whole cycle, and you need to stick to the following phases:
- Plan: In the plan phase you can have several tasks to do:
- Capture: What information is needed for the phase based on the process, such as requirements, needs, and the people involved.
- Classify: You classify the changes with priorities and risks and measure indicators of your phase.
- Discuss: You discuss things with your peers and sponsors, so that all people that are in the process can be involved and approve the plan to be a success. It is not the most critical, but still a very important part, of the plan.
- Deploy: In the deploy phase you can have several tasks to do:
- Rings: Verify the availability of the rings of the phase that you are deploying based on the roadmap. That will allow you to know what is going to happen during your...