The benefit of using beans
By creating a Bean for each entity within your application, you have created a specific blueprint for the data we wish to hold for that entity. The rules of encapsulation are adhered to, and nothing is hardcoded into our CFC.
We have already seen how our objects are created, and how we can pass variables and data into them, which can be through the init()
method during instantiation or perhaps as an argument when calling an included function within the component.
Every time you need to use the blueprint for the Person class, you can simply create an instance of the Bean.
You instantly have a completely fresh new object ready to populate with specific properties, and you can create a fully populated Person object in just one line of code within your application.
The main purpose of a Bean in object-oriented development is to capture and encapsulate a variety of different objects, be they structures, arrays, queries, or strings for example, into one single object, which...