Building question banks
Let's build a question bank. Building the quiz is a three-step process. First, create a quiz. Second, create questions in the question bank. Third, add questions to the quiz. You can create the questions first, but it is often best to storyboard your course and list the Quiz activities first.
Moodle 4.0 makes it easier to access question bank global configurations by accessing them through plugins. There are three question-related areas: Question bank plugins, Question behaviors, and Question types. You can enable site-wide access, and also configure the behaviors across the site by making changes on the Plugins page.
A question bank in Moodle is a collection of questions that you can organize in different ways in a database so that you can use them in the future. You'll use your questions in different "contexts" – some will be used across the entire system. Others would be used in all quizzes in a course category. Others would...