Database trigger events are raised on data manipulations: when a record is being inserted, deleted, or updated. Each of these database events has two counterparts in C/AL: one event is raised before the data change occurs in the database, and the second one after data modification. The names of these events begin with OnBefore and OnAfter, respectively. There are eight events related to C/AL data manipulation functions:
- OnBeforeInsertEvent
- OnAfterInsertEvent
- OnBeforeDeleteEvent
- OnAfterDeleteEvent
- OnBeforeModifyEvent
- OnAfterModifyEvent
- OnBeforeRenameEvent
- OnAfterRenameEvent
Two other events, OnBeforeValidateEvent and OnAfterValidateEvent, are raised when a field is validated: before the field's OnValidate trigger is executed and after it is completed.
We will employ database triggers to keep control of invoices linked to lease contracts. When an invoice...