Geometry simplification
In surveying, we strive for the highest accuracy and precision possible. However, this is not always the case in mapmaking. Too-detailed geometries on small scale (zoomed-out) maps are bad for human perception; edges or lines appear jagged, and cause an unnecessary burden on the computer in trying to render them. For that reason, cartographers generalize the geometries used for mapmaking. There are a few algorithms designed for automated generalization. PostGIS provides an implementation of a widely used Douglas-Peucker algorithm in a ST_Simplify
The function accepts two arguments, the first being a geometry to be simplified, and the second being a tolerance parameter defining how aggressive the simplification can be. Tolerance is given in the same units as the geometry's coordinate system, and the bigger it is, the more simplified the output geometry becomes.
Here are some examples of simplification:
River meanders simplified with 50 (green) and 100 (red)...