Where do I find what is wrong?
Let’s say our users have reported some issues; how do we know these are related to Defender for Office 365? Rather than guessing, we should examine how the issue affects the user experience, which can lead to some measurable data that can help us find meaningful connections without wasting time or resources. By analyzing user-reported issue data and gathering comprehensive symptom information, we can effectively use various troubleshooting components within Defender for Office 365 to do a comparison between what our tools are doing and what they are impacting. This will ultimately help us gain valuable knowledge and identify the root cause of the issue.
Audit log search
Your first stop when troubleshooting any system is to review the logs to identify patterns in our tools’ behavior. An audit log search is the right tool for this job, as it provides a detailed record of everything that happens in your Office 365 environment, including...