Technical requirements
In this chapter, we will make use of the following software and OSes:
- For virtualization: VMWare Workstation 12 Player for virtualization (any version can be used).
- Files: You can download the files for this chapter from
- For penetration testing:
Kali Linux 2019.3/2019.4 as a pentester's workstation VM. You can download Kali Linux from
- Targets:
Browser autopwn demo: Windows 7 x86 SP0 with Adobe Flash Player version 18.0.0194 and Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1
Compromising the clients of a website demo: Windows 7 x86 SP1 with Google Chrome 72.0.3626.119
Arduino Pro Micro/Leonardo
Any Android phone with "Unknown Sources" for the Install option checked
Windows 10 x64 with Nitro Pro installed
Windows 10 x64 with Microsoft Word 2013 installed