Adversarial training
The brilliant idea of adversarial training, proposed by Goodfellow et al. (in Goodfellow I. J., Pouget-Abadie J., Mirza M., Xu B., Warde-Farley D., Ozair S., Courville A., Bengio Y., Generative Adversarial Networks, arXiv:1406.2661 [stat.ML] – although this idea has been, at least in theory, discussed earlier by other authors), ushered in a new generation of generative models that immediately outperformed the majority of existing algorithms. All of the derived models are based on the same fundamental concept of adversarial training, which is an approach partially inspired by game theory.
Let's suppose that we have a data-generating process, , that represents an actual data distribution and a finite number of data points that we suppose are drawn from pdata:
Our goal is to train a model called a generator, whose distribution must be as close as possible to pdata. This is the trickiest part of the algorithm because instead of standard methods...