- Adobe Audition / Why Is It Awesome?
- Adobe Bridge CS6 / Correct aspect ratios
- After Effects / Adding muzzle flashes and laser beams
- alien robots
- keys, using / Key in the alien robot, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Alpha Glow filter / Engage Thrusters
- Alt key / Engage Thrusters
- animated GIF
- about / Creating an animated GIF
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- archive copies
- creating / Creating archive copies of your work, Engage Thrusters
- assembly edit
- fine tuning / Fine-tuning the edit, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Audacity / Audio
- audio
- disturbances, removing / Removing coughs and other disturbances, Engage Thrusters
- voice sound, altering / Trashing audio – altering the sound of a voice, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- exporting / Engage Thrusters
- audio effects
- adding, to short film / Making pictures sing, Engage Thrusters
- audio fat
- extracting / Engage Thrusters
- audio filters
- adding, to Timeline clips / Globally adding audio filters to your Timeline clips, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Bass filter / Engage Thrusters
- Beam Effect / Classified Intel
- Button Editor / Engage Thrusters
- Clip Speed/Duration window / Engage Thrusters
- clone army
- creating / Creating an army of clones, Engage Thrusters
- color issues
- about / Correcting color issues
- correcting / Engage Thrusters
- command + I / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- command + K / Engage Thrusters
- command + M / Engage Thrusters
- command + N key / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- command + S / Engage Thrusters
- command + Shift + D key / Engage Thrusters
- command + Shift + E / Engage Thrusters
- command + Shift + M key / Engage Thrusters
- Crop effect / Classified Intel
- Ctrl + A / Engage Thrusters
- 3D object
- adding, to scene / Adding a new 3D object to your scene, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- decision points / Fine-tuning the edit
- Decolor parameter / Engage Thrusters
- dissolve transition / Engage Thrusters
- dropped-frames / Engage Thrusters
- Rolling Shutter Repair, using / Using Rolling Shutter Repair for DSLRs, Engage Thrusters
- DVD export-ready Timeline
- creating / Engage Thrusters
- Effects panel / Engage Thrusters
- Eight-Point Garbage Matte option / Engage Thrusters
- E key / Engage Thrusters
- explosion
- track, setting manually / Manually tracking the explosion, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- heat glow, adding / Adding heat glow and smoke
- smoke, adding / Adding heat glow and smoke
- explosion tremor
- creating / Creating an explosion tremor and flying figure effect, Engage Thrusters
- explosive clip
- about / Adding an explosive clip
- adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- export
- for Internet upload, creating / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Export button / Engage Thrusters
- Eyedropper tool / Engage Thrusters
- Fast Color Corrector effect / Classified Intel
- final effects
- adding, to scenes / Adding various effects to polish the scene, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- final output
- multiple timelines, assembling / Assembling multiple Timelines for final output, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- flying figure effect
- creating / Creating an explosion tremor and flying figure effect, Engage Thrusters
- four-point edits
- combining, with three-point edits / Combining three- and four-point edits, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- FX button / Engage Thrusters
- Gaussian Blur effect / Engage Thrusters
- Gung Ho challenge
- taking / You Ready To Go Gung HO? A Hotshot Challenge
- HD files / Engage Thrusters
- heat glow
- adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Home key / Engage Thrusters
- iClone5 / Why Is It Awesome?
- image aspect ratios
- correcting / Correct aspect ratios, Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- image choices
- reviewing / Final preparation
- clip selection / Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- video clips, reviewing / Classified Intel
- Import Premiere Pro Sequence window / Engage Thrusters
- interview editing techniques
- brief / Mission Briefing
- advantages / Why Is It Awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your Hotshot Objectives
- checklist / Mission Checklist
- interview storyboard
- preparing / Getting the story right!, Prepare for Lift Off, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- keyboard shortcuts, using / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- isolated color effect
- about / Creating an isolated color effect
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- issues
- solving / Correcting various problems, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- J-cut
- about / Creating a J-cut (away)
- creating / Creating a J-cut (away), Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Alt + Shift +3 / Engage Thrusters
- Ctrl + / / Engage Thrusters
- command + / / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + Alt +3 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + Opt+ 3 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 1 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Ctrl + S (Windows) / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- command + S / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + Accent / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- \ (backslash) / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- M / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- J, K, and L / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + J / Engage Thrusters
- I and O / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- J or L / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + J or Shift + L / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- command + V / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Ctrl + V / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- T / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + Ctrl + left/right arrow / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 0 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Up arrow / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Down arrow / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 7 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 5 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 3 / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- I / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- # (hash) / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Ctrl or command + D / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Ctrl or command + Shift + q / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- keyboard shortcuts
- Shift + accent / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- K key / Engage Thrusters, Engage Thrusters
- L-cut
- about / An L-cut and a UFO!
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Laser Beam clip / Classified Intel
- laser beam of doom
- about / Creating a laser beam of doom
- creating / Creating a laser beam of doom, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- laser beams
- adding / Engage Thrusters
- Laser_Beam.mp3 sound effect / Engage Thrusters
- Lightening effect / Engage Thrusters
- Lightning effect / Engage Thrusters
- lightning spectacular
- creating / Creating a lightning spectacular (freeze frame and lightning ball), Engage Thrusters
- L key / Engage Thrusters, Engage Thrusters
- lower thirds
- about / Adding lower thirds
- adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Lowpass filter / Engage Thrusters
- Marker Properties window / Classified Intel
- Master audio track / Engage Thrusters
- MCPS Limited Manufacture License / Mission Checklist
- media
- organizing / Organizing your media, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel , Organizing your media, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- keyboard shortcuts, using / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Media Export window / Engage Thrusters
- M key / Engage Thrusters
- Motion effect / Correct aspect ratios
- Motion filter / Creating an explosion tremor and flying figure effect
- movie look
- adding / Adding a movie look, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- movie montage
- brief / Mission Briefing
- advantages / Why Is It Awesome?
- project steps / Your Hotshot Objectives
- checklist / Mission Checklist
- final touches, adding / Finishing touches, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- multi-camera
- activating / Activating multi-camera, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Timeline, creating / Creating a multi-camera Timeline, Engage Thrusters
- clips, tuning / Editing and tuning multi-camera clips
- clips, editing / Editing and tuning multi-camera clips
- multi-camera clips
- editing / Editing and tuning multi-camera clips, Engage Thrusters
- tuning / Editing and tuning multi-camera clips, Engage Thrusters
- Multi-Camera Monitor
- about / Mission Briefing
- multi-camera sync point
- about / Creating a multi-camera sync point
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- keyboard shortcuts, using / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- multi-camera Timeline
- creating / Creating a multi-camera Timeline, Engage Thrusters
- multi camera
- brief / Mission Briefing
- advantages / Why Is It Awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your Hotshot Objectives
- checklists / Mission Checklist
- video, adding / Video
- audio, adding / Audio
- audio track, adding / Adding an audio track
- final touch, adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- implementing / You Ready To Go Gung HO? A Hotshot Challenge
- muzzle flash
- about / Creating a muzzle flash
- creating / Engage Thrusters
- muzzle flashes
- adding / Engage Thrusters
- nighttime scene
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Opacity / Engage Thrusters
- option + Shift + 5 / Engage Thrusters
- option key / Engage Thrusters, Engage Thrusters
- opt keys / Engage Thrusters
- + (plus) key / Engage Thrusters
- Picture-in-Picture (PiP) effect
- about / Mission Briefing
- Picture in Picture (PiP)
- about / Creating insert clips (PiP)
- adding / Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts, using / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Pitch parameter / Engage Thrusters
- PitchShifter filter / Classified Intel
- Pond 5 / Mission Checklist
- Premiere Pro
- streamlining / Streamlining Premiere Pro
- launching / Prepare for Lift Off
- interface, setting up / Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts, using / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Premiere Pro workflows, for short film edit
- brief / Mission Briefing, Why Is It Awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your Hotshot Objectives
- checklist / Mission Checklist
- video content / Video content
- sound effects / Sound effects
- Preset filter / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Preset tab / Classified Intel
- project exporting
- about / Mission Briefing
- benefits / Why Is It Awesome?
- objectives / Your Hotshot Objectives
- project media
- organizing / Organizing your project media, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Rate Stretch tool / Engage Thrusters
- rate stretch tool / Engage Thrusters
- reconstruction
- creating / Reconstructing reconstructions, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Rename Clip window / Engage Thrusters
- Reset button / Engage Thrusters
- RGB Curves effect / Engage Thrusters
- ripple edit / Engage Thrusters
- Rolling Shutter filter / Engage Thrusters
- Rolling Shutter Repair
- using, for DSRLs / Using Rolling Shutter Repair for DSLRs, Engage Thrusters
- running order
- creating / Creating a running order, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Scale parameter / Engage Thrusters
- science fiction (SF) scene / Mission Briefing
- selection order / Classified Intel
- Shift + / (forward slash) / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + 2 key / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + 7 / Classified Intel
- Shift + Accent / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + Accent key / Classified Intel
- Shift + accent key / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + I key / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Shift + K / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + K key / Engage Thrusters
- Shift + T key / Engage Thrusters
- Shift key / Engage Thrusters
- short film
- audio effects, adding / Making pictures sing, Engage Thrusters
- running / Mission Accomplished
- short film story
- creating / Creating a story, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- smoke
- adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- sound effects
- adding / Adding sound effects
- sound track audio quality
- improving / Improving audio quality of a sound track, Engage Thrusters
- Spacebar key / Engage Thrusters, Engage Thrusters
- Stop Watch icon / Engage Thrusters
- subclip editor / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- subclips
- working with / Subclips tame video clips, Prepare for Lift Off
- creating, from video clips / Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- about / Classified Intel
- three-point edits
- about / Three-point edits
- using / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- combining, with four-point edits / Combining three- and four-point edits, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Three-Way color Corrector effect / Classified Intel
- Timeline clips
- audio filters, adding / Globally adding audio filters to your Timeline clips, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- Time Stretch tool / You Ready To Go Gung HO? A Hotshot Challenge
- Toggle Animation / Engage Thrusters
- Toggle animation icon / Engage Thrusters
- transition / Finishing touches
- trim editor / Engage Thrusters
- Trim tool
- about / Refining with the Trim tool
- using / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- about / An L-cut and a UFO!
- creating / Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel
- Ultra Key effect / Mission Briefing
- video clips
- tamimg / Subclips tame video clips, Prepare for Lift Off
- Video Copilot / You Ready To Go Gung HO? A Hotshot Challenge
- video editing
- starting with / Music markers matter
- markers, adding to Timeline / Engage Thrusters
- keyboard shortcuts / Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing, Classified Intel
- viewpoints
- about / Adding viewpoints
- adding / Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- visual-effects
- project brief / Mission Briefing, Why Is It Awesome?
- project objectives / Your Hotshot Objectives
- video / Video
- third-party effects / Third-party effects
- visual effects
- project brief / Mission Briefing
- advantages / Why Is It Awesome?
- required tasks / Your Hotshot Objectives
- checklists / Mission Checklist
- video / Video
- audio / Audio
- visual problems
- correcting / Mission Briefing, Why Is It Awesome?, Mission Checklist
- V key / Engage Thrusters
- Warp Stabilizer
- about / Using Warp Stabilizer as a virtual tripod
- using / Engage Thrusters
- white balance issues
- about / Correcting white balance issues
- correcting / Prepare for Lift Off, Engage Thrusters, Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
- witness identity
- protecting / Protecting the innocent, Engage Thrusters, Classified Intel