Officially Supported Software – Part 1
For years, the Linux free and open source software (FOSS) community has provided a massive number of free applications. Many of them have also been ported to macOS and Windows. A few examples of such, available for all desktop operating systems, are VLC (the best free video player); GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) and Inkscape for graphic designers; Audacious to play music collections; Audacity to edit audio files; Python to write scripts and software (SW) for ML, AI, and thousands of applications; WordPress to make a website of your own for free; Mozilla Thunderbird, a mail client; Shotcut, a video editor; and the Brave browser.
In this chapter, we will learn all the general points about user application installations. We will then switch to the basic applications everyone uses – office tools, browsers, and image viewers. As this is an extensive topic, we will continue with other application types in Chapter 6.
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