Implementation of real-time analytics on streaming data
In this section, we are going to learn about a step-by-step process for implementing real-time analytics using Azure Synapse. We are taking Figure 9.1 as our reference architecture. There are various stages involved in implementing this architecture, and we will go through all these steps in this section. We will learn how to configure all the required resources according to your environment.
Before jumping to the analytics part, we will learn how to ingest data to an Azure Cosmos DB account.
Ingesting data to Cosmos DB
There are various ways to ingest streaming data to Azure Cosmos DB; however, in this section, we are going to use an online application sample to ingested streaming data to the Azure Cosmos DB account.
Follow the instructions to start streaming the data to your Cosmos DB account:
- Go to your Azure Cosmos DB account in the Azure portal and click on the Data Explorer tab.
- Click on the New...