Jenkins Continuous Integration Design
I have used a new term here: Continuous Integration Design. Almost every organization creates one before they even begin to explore the CI and DevOps tools. In the current section, we will go through a very general Continuous Integration Design.
Continuous Integration includes not only Jenkins or any other similar CI tool for that matter, but it also deals with how you version control your code, the branching strategy you follow, and so on. If you are feeling that we are overlapping with software configuration management, then you are right.
Various organizations may follow different kinds of strategies to achieve Continuous Integration. Since, it all depends on the project requirements and type.
The branching strategy
It's always good to have a branching strategy. Branching helps you organize your code. It is a way to isolate your working code from the code that is under development. In our Continuous Integration Design, we will start with three types...