Chapter 1, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, covers the basics of blockchain, discusses how blockchain is disrupting existing technology, how cryptocurrency came into the picture, and how the Ethereum consensus mechanism works. We will also learn how cryptography makes the Ethereum blockchain secure. By the end of the chapter, you should understand Ethereum accounts, forks, and the concept of mining.
Chapter 2, Ethereum Architecture and Ecosystem, describes the architecture of Ethereum and helps you to understand the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Gas, accounts, and more. It also covers the basic concepts of Ether mining. We look at initial coin offerings (ICOs) and the Ethereum token economy. We will also explore various tools and technologies in the Ethereum ecosystem.
Chapter 3, Deep Research on Ethereum, teaches you about ongoing research on the Ethereum platform in the field of ICOs, sharding EVM improvements, economics, low-level protocol improvements, and decentralized storage.
Chapter 4, Solidity Fundamentals, deals with the basic features of the Solidity programing language. We cover Solidity's development tools and learn about various Solidity language fundamentals, including the structure of contracts, contract patterns, and exception handling. We cover smart contract security and best practices.
Chapter 5, Developing Your Own Cryptocurrency, teaches you how to write your own cryptocurrency using smart contracts. We look at smart contract open source libraries and review the ERC 20 token standard. Finally, we develop our first cryptocurrency token.
Chapter 6, Smart Contract Development and Test Fundamentals, shows you how to use Remix to develop and debug smart contracts. We explore various options for the Truffle suite tool. We cover smart contract unit tests by using these development tools.
Chapter 7, Writing UIs for DApps, shows you various methods to deploy smart contracts. There will be examples to demonstrate everything. We look at the web3.js API and write client-side Node.js code to call smart contracts.
Chapter 8, Ethereum Tools and Frameworks, covers the tracking of data inside smart contracts.
Chapter 9, Creating an Ethereum Private Chain, explains the difference between public and private blockchains. It covers how to set up private blockchains on Ethereum, including the options flags we can use with new chains. It also presents private blockchains in production usages.
Chapter 10, Deployment of Your Smart Contract, shows you how to deploy smart contracts to various blockchain environments.
Chapter 11, Building Ethereum Wallets, looks at the concepts of Ethereum wallets. Then, we create a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet. We also discuss popular third-party Ethereum wallets.
Chapter 12, Conclusion, is a summary of the entire book and the Ethereum blockchain technologies covered therein.