We are using Git to clone the sample code accompanying this book from its GitHub repository. If you already have Git installed on your computer, you can skip this section:
- To install Git on your macOS, use the following command in a Terminal window:
$ choco install git
- To install Git on Windows, open a PowerShell window and use Chocolatey to install it:
PS> choco install git -y
- Finally, on your Debian or Ubuntu machine, open a Bash console and execute the following command:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git
- Once Git is installed, verify that it is working. On all platforms, use the following:
$ git --version
This should output something along the lines of the following:
git version 2.16.3
- Now that Git is working, we can clone the source code accompanying this book from GitHub. Execute the following command:
$ cd ~
$ git clone https...