What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started, introduces the underlying principles and concepts that will be used throughout the remainder of the book.
Chapter 2, Discovery Scanning, covers techniques and scanning tools that can be used to identify live systems on a target network, by performing layer 2, layer 3, and layer 4 discovery.
Chapter 3, Port Scanning, includes techniques and scanning tools that can be used to enumerate running UDP and TCP services on a target system.
Chapter 4, Fingerprinting, explains techniques and scanning tools that can be used to identify the operating system and services running on a target system.
Chapter 5, Vulnerability Scanning, covers techniques and scanning tools that can be used to identify and enumerate potential vulnerabilities on a target system.
Chapter 6, Denial of Service, introduces techniques and attack tools that can be used to exploit denial of service vulnerabilities identified on a target system.
Chapter 7, Web Application Scanning, provides techniques and tools that can be used to identify and exploit web application vulnerabilities on a target system.
Chapter 8, Automating Kali Tools, introduces scripting techniques that can be used to streamline and automate the use of existing tools in Kali Linux.