Integration with Struts
Struts is an open source web application framework that is designed to support the development life cycle, which includes building, deploying, and maintaining the application. Struts is based on the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern. It is available under Apache License.
The official site of Struts to download the distribution, support, contribution, and tutorials is
Here, we will create a Maven-based Struts web application to understand how to integrate hibernate with Struts. In this recipe, we will continue to use the DAO pattern.
Struts has no plugin available for integration with hibernate, so we will manage all hibernate code manually.
Getting ready
In this section, we will create a code file required for hibernate and Struts with a detailed description.
The project dependencies
Here, we will create a Maven project; so, all project dependencies will be mentioned in pom.xml
Source file: pom.xml
<project xmlns="