Designing and drawing out the model
The first thing to do when creating a new part is to draw what the new part may potentially look like. We can always change our minds later on, but it’s always a good idea to get something down on paper about what you plan on creating. I did not include any dimensions since we will be using the existing bicycle handlebar and mid-size bottle to get the general shapes.
Figure 9.1 – Drawing of the bicycle part
Next, we need to figure out the design intent of this model. We want the model to be able to adjust to various heights of water bottles and various widths. I came up with an open-top piece that can adjust out with a slide bar at the bottom for variously sized bottles. If you too have a great idea for a bicycle water bottle support, now is the time to make it. Draw it out and try to create it in Fusion from what we’ve learned so far. The best way to learn is to try and fail and then try, try again...