Browsing values from the data expression window
This recipe will show you a small feature of Cognos Report Studio that comes in handy and is often overlooked.
Getting ready
We will use the report used in the previous recipes for this recipe.
How to do it...
In this recipe we will see how we can browse the values in the data expression window to select a specific value to be used. To do this, perform the following steps:
Open the report in Report Studio.
Let's say we want this report to show only certain product lines (hardcoding). For that, we would want to add a Product line filter. So, add a new detail filter.
Now we are in the filter expression dialog. Enter the following expression:
[Product Line] in
This is shown in the following screenshot:
As this filter will do literal string comparisons, we need to enter the exact values of the required product lines. Select the Product line data item from the data items' pane. Click on the Select Multiple Values button in the upper-right corner of the page...