Time for action – adding the toolbar object
Let's add the Toolbar
object to our application. First we add a toolbar
variable to CanvasPadApp
and set it to a new instance of the Toolbar
object. We pass in the toolbar's root <div>
element as a parameter to the constructor:
var version = "4.2",
canvas2d = new Canvas2D($("#main>canvas")),
toolbar = new Toolbar($("#toolbar")),
// code not shown...
In start()
we override the toolbar
object's toolbarButtonClicked()
and menuItemClicked()
methods to set them to our own implementations to handle those events:
toolbar.toolbarButtonClicked = toolbarButtonClicked; toolbar.menuItemClicked = menuItemClicked;
First let's implement our CanvasPadApp.toolbarButtonClicked()
function toolbarButtonClicked(action) { switch (action) { case "clear": if (confirm("Clear the canvas?")) { actions = []; redraw(); } break; case "undo": ...