Setting up a basic Laravel application
Our aim in this chapter is to configure Laravel Octane with the RoadRunner application server. To do that, we have to install the RoadRunner application server. However, before that, we must first create a new Laravel application and then add and install the Laravel Octane package. In short, to demonstrate how to install RoadRunner, we will do the following:
- Create a new Laravel application from scratch.
- Add the Laravel Octane package to the new Laravel application.
- Install Laravel Octane, executing a specific command provided by the Laravel Octane package. The command execution will create a basic configuration, which is useful when we start with Laravel Octane. We will show how to install Laravel Octane in the Installing Laravel Octane section later.
Getting the Laravel installer
To install Laravel from scratch, you could use the Laravel installer. To globally install the Laravel installer, in your terminal emulator...