Chapter 10. Adapting GnuCash for Non-profits and Personalizing
"Support groups may want to spend the year creating gift quality artwork in a co-op art class to sell at a holiday bazaar. Families can host a bake sale and present a spaghetti dinner in order to boost attendance. A gift wrapping table and live performances of music are nice additions to a holiday fundraising programs"-excerpts from a website providing fundraising event ideas for non-profits.
Non-profits, by definition, are not trying to earn a buck for their owners or shareholders. So, bookkeeping and accounting for a non-profit should be easier than for a business, right? "Au contraire, mon ami", as the fictional Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, might say.
Non-profits receive their funding from many different sources such as donations from the public, grants, investment income, fundraising, membership fees, and non-monetary contributions of goods. They also receive contributions in the form of hours and expertise, known as...