Creating service level objectives
After you have created a distributed application and configured its health rollup policies, its good practice to create and assign some service level tracking to it. Using service level tracking in OpsMgr, you can define a Service Level Objective (SLO) to measure the availability/performance of a specific object – in this case the IT service/distributed application model. Using SLO's, an OpsMgr administrator can then work with the IT service owner to create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that specifies how available the service should be over a given period of time.
Even if you work within an organization that doesn't implement or hasn't yet got around to mapping out SLAs for IT services, using this functionality in OpsMgr is a great way of delivering some tangible value back to higher tiers of management within the business (think CIO's and board members) in the form of SLA reporting and dashboards.
Here's what you need to do to create an SLA for the distributed...