Before we started this chapter, we had an unmovable, boring character—albeit a good looking one. We discussed how to get him moving using a keyboard, and mobile touch controls. We then discussed how to get our character to collect a weapon, have that weapon follow him around, and then start shooting it.
Sit tight for the next chapter when we dive even further into developing this game! What are we going to talk about, you ask? Well, we are going to make Kevin have health, lives, and power ups. We'll discuss an inventory system, scoring, and some more game play mechanics like pausing and such.
Relax for a little bit, take a nice break. If the weather is as nice out there as it is at the time of me writing, go enjoy the lovely sun. I can't stress the importance of taking a break enough when it comes to game development. There have been many times when I've been programming for hours on end, and I end up making a mistake and because I'm so tired, I can&apos...