Registering users
Before we can test Elgg's social networking capability we need to add test users to our site. The link to the registration page is found on the Log in box on the front page of the site (which is only displayed when you are logged out).

The default registration process for Elgg consists of three steps:
Fill out the registration form.
Receive an e-mail with a validation link.
Click the validation link to confirm the e-mail address belongs to you.
The validation process assumes that your server is properly configured for sending e-mail. If this is not the case, users can be manually created in the administration area. This is also the quickest method for creating users because it skips the validation step. In order to manually create a user, switch to the administration area and find the Add New User link on the sidebar under Administer | Users.
Multiple test users
The best way to test the social functionality of Elgg is by controlling multiple test users at a time. This is...