Understanding Keyword Collections
Welcome to the concept of keywords. As the term suggests, different words are used to categorize different selections or different indexes. This concept makes it easy because you use the actual word of the item you are separating. The process of establishing a Keyword Collection is not as easy as it is for favorites, which have already been set up for you, but once it is set up, it is easy to add new media to the Keyword Collection.
Keyword Collections are specific to each event and can be created before you need to use them, or on the fly as the need occurs. In most cases, you are much more likely to set them up at the time you need them.
Keyword Collections are at their most useful at the pre-edit stage for storing clips and the B roll. The sorting process ranks the most useful clips for the edit. You will see more about that and the ways to see different views of the media later in this chapter in the Browser filters section, and in much more...