Setting project goals
As described in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Course Development, it is important to set your project goals before starting. This will keep your work on target and aimed at accomplishing those goals. In doing so, ensure your goal statements are specific enough and targeted to your learner's needs.
Be specific
You probably also know that your goals need to be detailed. It is probably not a good goal if it does not refer to something specific you want to accomplish educationally. These goals may turn into learning objectives later.
For example, it is probably not specific enough to write a goal such as: "Familiarize students with CuePrompter." A better set of goals would be:
Describe the operation of the CuePrompter web application to a learner who is already familiar with using prompters
Explain the steps required to copy text from a script and paste it into the prompter
Explain the steps required to start, stop, speed up, and slow down the prompter scrolling
For an example...