10.2 Name Server Installed on Firewall
If we want to have two separated zones for the company.com
domain, the primary Internet server is usually located on the firewall and the secondary Internet server on the computer of the Internet provider. A separate pair of primary/secondary servers is set up within the intranet.
And again, we have two possibilities. The first one enables the translation of the whole Internet on the intranet, and the second one enables the translation of only the intranet zone on the intranet.
10.2.1 Translation in Intranet—Whole Internet
We have two separate pairs of name servers as shown in the following figure:

Figure 10.3: Company DNS zone is divided into two independent zones with the same domain name company.com, but with a different content
One of the pairs is on the intranet, while the other is on the Internet.
The first problem is that an application that is run on the firewall (for example, proxy) needs information on the intranet company.com
zone, although it...