In this chapter, we have learned how to deal with 3D in the FMX framework. Having a high-level, component-based, cross-platform abstraction enables 3D visual programming. This is a huge benefit for the developer.
Apart from classic topics such as how to set up a 3D scene in our applications, we have seen how to mix 2D and 3D visual components in a single application. The FMX framework is very powerful and flexible at enabling 3D capabilities wherever needed (the whole form as a 3D surface or just a portion through the TViewport3D component) and at the same time allows mixing 3D effects in general 2D applications.
You now have the skills to develop many different applications taking advantage of 3D capabilities, that is, from simulation applications to product configurators, and from games to business applications with 3D effects in the UI.
Once again, FireMonkey proves to be a powerful tool for the multi-device, multi-platform developer.