Daily phone logs
The blank logs that follow are for your convenience to track the phone calls that you are receiving as well as those that you are placing. It will help you to monitor who is calling you, as well as the calls you are placing, the purpose of the call, and how long the call lasted. Photocopy the blank logs so you have enough logs to monitor at least a couple of days, so you can see whether any patterns emerge in your phone calls that will help you to become more efficient.
Phone logs
Track your phone usage for one complete work day and evening as well as one weekend or leisure day, making a note of who calls you, who you call, how long the call lasted, and the purpose of the call. First do a log for calls received, then do one for calls placed.
Calls received (smart phone, mobile, or cell phone)
Today's date:____________________
Day of the week:_________________
Time |
Who called you |
Purpose of the call |
How long did the call last? |
Calls received after work (at home)
Time |
Who called you |
Purpose of the call |
How long did the call last? |
Calls received (office landline)
Today's date:____________________
Day of the week:_________________
Time |
Who called you |
Purpose of the call |
How long did the call last? |
Calls placed (office landline)
Today's date:____________________
Day of the week:________________
Time |
Who called you |
Purpose of the call |
How long did the call last? |
Text messages
Track your text messaging for one complete work day and evening as well as one weekend or leisure day, making a note of who texts you, who you text, the purpose of the text, and what you were doing when the text occurred. First do a log for texts received, then do one for texts placed.
Texts received (smart phone)
Today's date:____________________
Day of the week:_________________
Time |
Who texted you |
Purpose of the text |
What were you doing at the time? |
Texts placed
Today's date:____________________
Day of the week:_________________
Time |
Who texted you |
Purpose of the text |
What were you doing at the time? |