Review Questions
Now it’s time to check your knowledge. Answer the questions, and then check your answers, which can be found in the Solutions section at the end of the book:
- What RAID model has a minimum of three disks? How many disks can it afford to lose?
- What RAID models has a minimum of four disks? How many disks can it afford to lose?
- What is the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6?
- Where will a diskless virtual host access its storage?
- What types of disks does a SAN use?
- What is an example of cloud storage available to a personal user?
- At what stage of incident response procedures would you reduce the services running on a computer on a domain controller that is infected with malware?
- During a disaster recovery exercise, the IRP team is given a scenario to respond to. What type of exercise are they likely to carry out?
- Why would a cybersecurity team use the MITRE ATT&CK Framework?
- What are the four key elements...