Time for action – creating the data input method
Create a data input method.
Enter Unix - Remote IOStats Command as the Name.
Select Script/Command as Input Type.
perl <path_cacti>/scripts/diskIo.pl <host> <user> <sshKey>
as the Input String.Click on the Create button.
Click on the Add link at the Input Fields section.
Select host as the Field [input].
Enter Hostname as the Friendly Name.
Enter hostname as the Special Type Code.
Click on the Create button.
Add the other input fields by only adding a Friendly Name.
Add the output fields for
, andioUtil
What just happened?
You've just created the data input method for retrieving the output from the iostats
command of a remote system. You've defined the input fields such as the remote username to use for logging in to the system, as well as the location of the SSH key which you defined earlier. The data retrieved from this command will be stored in the output fields which...