Infrastructure hacking tools
Infrastructure hacking is such a broad topic including so many subtopics that each of them could be distinguished into a separate huge security domain. Therefore, there are so many hacking toolsets, frameworks, and software packs for various tasks and scenarios that it would need a whole book to describe all of them. Instead of that, we are going to just review probably the most popular, free, and well-known hacking tool and framework Metasploit Framework (also known as MSF) maintained by the company Rapid7.
Nmap is the most popular network security tool used by hackers and pentesters (and our favorite). This is an excellent tool for discovery and enumeration of available live hosts, open ports and network services, and much more. It can be used for security checks, to determine a service running on the host, to identify the OS and applications, and even to determine the type of firewall used on a scanned node.
The source code and binaries of Nmap are available...