Time for action — making the spoke
There are two stages for making the spoke. In the first, you will make the outline of the shape of the spoke. In the second, you will turn the silhouette into a 3D object using the Spin tool again:
Press A to deselect all objects.
Press Shift+A and make a Plane from the Mesh menu.
Press the Tab key to get into Edit Mode.
Press the A key to deselect all the vertices.
Press the B key and use the marquee to choose the vertices on the left side.
Press X and select Delete Vertices from the menu.
In the Pivot Point menu in the 3D View header, select 3D Cursor.
Press A to select all the vertices.
Press S, X, 0, and then Enter.
Press W to subdivide the edge between the vertices. Then, in the Subdivide subpanel of Tool Shelf, set the Number of Cuts to 7.
Press G, Y, and use the mouse to move all of the vertices until the bottom vertex just touches the top of the circle, then press theLMB to release the vertices.
In the 3D View header, select Active Element from the Pivot...