Configuration changes
If you have a lot of free CPU and memory on your server, it may be worthwhile to tweak the maximum number of threads executing requests.
Keep in mind that the runtime conservatively manages the number of threads used to execute requests. Hence, even if you increase the maximum number of threads, that may not lead to more threads being used.
Be careful here. You can spend a lot of time on this and end up doing more harm than good. Load test your solution before taking it into production (chapter 14 shows how to do load testing).
IIS 6, IIS 7 Classic Mode
In IIS 6 and IIS 7 when using the classic pipeline mode, the maximum number of threads is determined by the following formula:
Maximum threads = (maxWorkerThreads * number of CPUs) minFreeThreads
Number of CPUs here refers to the number of processor cores in your server. So a computer with a single E8400 Intel Core 2 Duo, which has two cores, is considered to have two CPUs.
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