III.1 Introduction and Requirements
This chapter describes the MaMa-CRM platform, a software-product family that coordinates processes between mass market service providers and their clients. MaMa-CRM provides the foundation for individual systems, which have to be customized or configured for specific CRM domains.
MaMa-CRM has been built and is being operated by an Innovative DAta Center (let's call it InDAC) – a company that provides a variety of hosted software services to its clients. Within business process outsourcing initiatives, InDAC is operating specific instances of MaMa-CRM for its customers.
Let's clarify MaMa-CRM's scope with a few brief examples (you'll find more details in the Requirements Overview section):
- Telecommunication providers offer new or updated tariffs to their customers. This is achieved through several possible channels, such as email, phone, letter, or fax, so that the service providers can respond or issue support queries regarding...