Who Can Benefit from PopcornFlow
Accordingly to Claudio, PopcornFlow performs best in complex domains where the problems are, essentially, system probes. To a great extent, what the method does is use uncontrolled parallel experiments to explore options and change the system dynamics.
It is particularly useful in any organization that wants to innovate, especially if it doesn't know how. It has already found its way into start-ups, large financial institutions, well-known technology companies, and many more different environments. For example, last year, a group in the Canadian public sector won two prestigious national innovation awards by using it.
PopcornFlow, born as Claudio's idea while working in Agile and Lean environments, is obviously well fit to coach Agile teams with and facilitate highly effective retrospectives. Teams can trade options outside their immediate circle, too – a crucial mechanism to reduce the inevitable bias. Combined with jobs-to-be...