Exercise 4 – deploying an AKS cluster using an ARM template
An ARM template is a JSON file that defines the different elements related to the infrastructure and configuration for a project.
The template uses a declarative syntax to describe a deployment without writing on a command line to create the deployment of a cluster.
To deploy a new cluster, we can follow this link, which includes a template for creating a new cluster in AKS: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/quickstarts/microsoft.kubernetes/aks.
When we click on Deploy to Azure, we will be redirected to a new page where we can create a new AKS cluster. We can also edit the template or the parameters, or visualize our cluster and the different dependencies:
Figure 10.24 – Creating an AKS cluster from an ARM template
We will add the different information needed; it is similar to the classic process of creating a new AKS resource. However, we need...