Social media companies are facing a lot of heat presently because of their privacy issues. One of them is Facebook. The Cambridge analytica scandal had even prompted a senate hearing for Mark Zuckerberg. On the other end of this spectrum, there is another messaging app known as Telegram, registered in London, United Kingdom, founded by the Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov. Telegram has been in the news for an absolutely opposite situation. It’s often touted as one of the most secure and secretive messaging apps. The end to end encryption ensures that security agencies across the world have a tough time getting access to any suspicious piece of information. For this reason Russia has banned the use of Telegram app on April 2018.
Telegram updated their privacy policies on . These updates have further ensured that Telegram will retain the title of the most secure messaging application in the planet. It’s imperative for any messaging app to get access to our data. But how they choose to use it makes you either vulnerable or secure. Telegram in their latest update have stated that they process personal data on the grounds that such processing caters to the following two goals:
The caveat for the second point being the security interests shall not override the space of fundamental rights and freedoms that require protection of personal data.
This clause is an excellent example on how applications can prove to be a torchbearer for human rights and basic human privacy amidst glaring loopholes. Telegram have listed the the kind of user data accessed by the app. They are as follows:
Telegram stores basic account user data that includes mobile number, profile name, profile picture and about information, which are needed to create a Telegram account. The most interesting part of this is Telegram allows you to only keep your username (if you choose to) public. The people who have you in their contact list will see you as you want them to - for example you might be a John Doe in public, but your mom will still see you as ‘Dear Son’ in their contacts. Telegram doesn’t require your real name, gender, age or even your screen name to be your real name.
When you enable 2-step-verification for your account or store documents using the Telegram Passport feature, you can opt to set up a password recovery email. This address will only be used to send you a password recovery code if you forget it. They are particular about not sending any unsolicited marketing emails to you.
Telegram stores messages, photos, videos and documents from your cloud chats on their servers so that you can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. All data is stored heavily encrypted and the encryption keys in each case are stored in several other data centers in different jurisdictions. This way local engineers or physical intruders cannot get access to user data.
Telegram has a feature called Secret chats that uses end-to-end encryption. This means that all data is encrypted with a key that only the sender and the recipients know. There is no way for us or anybody else without direct access to your device to learn what content is being sent in those messages. Telegram does not store ‘secret chats’ on their servers. They also do not keep any logs for messages in secret chats, so after a short period of time there is no way of determining who or when you messaged via secret chats. Secret chats are not available in the cloud — you can only access those messages from the device they were sent to or from.
When you send photos, videos or files via secret chats, before being uploaded, each item is encrypted with a separate key, not known to the server. This key and the file’s location are then encrypted again, this time with the secret chat’s key — and sent to your recipient. They can then download and decipher the file. This means that the file is technically on one of Telegram’s servers, but it looks like a piece of random indecipherable garbage to everyone except for you and the recipient. This complete process is random and there random data packets are periodically purged from the storage disks too.
In addition to private messages, Telegram also supports public channels and public groups. All public chats are cloud chats. Like everything else on Telegram, the data you post in public communities is encrypted, both in storage and in transit — but everything you post in public will be accessible to everyone.
Telegram uses phone numbers as unique identifiers so that it is easy for you to switch from SMS and other messaging apps and retain your social graph. But the most important thing is that permissions from the users are a must before the cookies are allowed into your browser.
Telegram promises that the only cookies they use are those to operate and provide their Services on the web. They clearly state that they don’t use cookies for profiling or advertising. Their cookies are small text files that allow them to provide and customize their Services, and provide an enhanced user experience. Also, whether or not to use these cookies is a choice made by the users.
The Telegram business model doesn’t match that of a revenue generating service. The founder Pavel Durov is also the founder of the popular Russian social networking site VK. Telegram doesn’t charge for any messaging services, it doesn’t show ads yet. Some new in app purchase features might be included in the new version. As of now, the main source of revenue for Telegram are donations and mainly the earnings of Pavel Durov himself (from the social networking site VK).
Telegram’s policies elevate privacy standards that many are asking from other social messaging apps. The clamour for stopping the exploitation of user data, using their location details for targeted marketing and advertising campaigns is increasing now. Telegram shows that privacy can be achieved, if intended, in today’s overexposed social media world.
But there is are also costs to this level of user privacy and secrecy, that are sometimes not discussed enough. The ISIS members behind the 2015 Paris attacks used Telegram to spread propaganda. ISIS also used the app to recruit the perpetrators of the Christmas market attack in Berlin last year and claimed credit for the massacre. More recently, a Turkish prosecutor found that the shooter behind the New Year’s Eve attack at the Reina nightclub in Istanbul used Telegram to receive directions for it from an ISIS leader in Raqqa. While these incidents can never negate the need for a secure and less intrusive social media platform like Telegram, there should be workarounds and escape routes designed for stopping extremists and terrorist activities. Telegram have assured that all ISIS messaging channels are deleted from their network which is a great way to start. Content moderation, proactive sentiment and pattern recognition and content/account isolation are the next challenges for Telegram.
One thing is for sure, Telegram’s continual pursuance of user secrey and user data privacy is throwing an open challenge to others to follow suite. Whether others will oblige or not, only time will tell. To read about Telegram’s updated privacy policies in detail, you can check out the official Telegram Privacy Settings.
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