Time for action – update Game1 to draw animated pieces
Add methods to the
class to draw each potential type of game piece (empty, animated, and non-animated):Private Sub drawEmptyPiece( spriteBatch As SpriteBatch, pixelX As Integer, pixelY As Integer) spriteBatch.Draw( playingPieces, New Rectangle(pixelX, pixelY, GamePiece.PieceWidth, GamePiece.PieceHeight), EmptyPiece, Color.White) End Sub Private Sub drawStandardPiece( spriteBatch As SpriteBatch, x As Integer, y As Integer, pixelX As Integer, pixelY As Integer) spriteBatch.Draw( playingPieces, New Rectangle(pixelX, pixelY, GamePiece.PieceWidth, GamePiece.PieceHeight), GetSourceRect(x, y), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub drawFallingPiece( spriteBatch As SpriteBatch, pixelX As Integer, pixelY As Integer, position As String) spriteBatch.Draw( playingPieces, New Rectangle( pixelX, pixelY - FallingPieces...