Edit Flow
By Batmoo, Daniel Bachhuber, sbressler, Andrew Spittle (http://editflow.org)
Why it's awesome: Custom post statuses, workflow control, and expanded user roles
Why it was picked: Flexibility to match your own workflow

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/edit-flow
Automatic Install search term: Edit Flow
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Top Navigation | Edit Flow
Used in: Administrator, posts
Edit Flow enables a multi-author blog environment to handle more of the editorial workflow than what WordPress offers by default. With Edit Flow, an editor can assign a post to any author. Authors can submit a post for review and even pitch an idea to an editor.
Edit Flow also allows you to define your own custom workflow statuses that can be tweaked to meet your current editorial process. These custom statuses will be available to authors to set a blog post into states like Waiting for Review or Ready for Editing.