Capacity-sizing exercises
Sizing the storage infrastructure correctly might be the difference between succeeding or failing in a VDI rollout. Many deployments that have excellent performance during the pilot and initial production quickly start to run into storage contention issues because of the lack of understanding of the storage layer.
In the next section, we will discuss a few sizing exercises for different VMware View implementations.
Sizing full clones
Let's see two scenarios for sizing full clones.
Scenario 1
The following are the parameters:
Desktops: 1,000
Pool type: Dedicated (full clones)
Guest OS: Windows 7
Disk size: 40 GB
Disk consumption: 22 GB
Overhead: 10 percent
Parent VM
The parent VM may be thin or thick provisioned and is usually powered off. If the parent VM is thick provisioned, its size is similar to the creation of the disk plus logfiles. For example, if the parent VM disk size is set to 40 GB, this will be the approximate size of the parent VM.
If the parent VM is created...