When Ethan gets killed in the Diorama scene from Chapter 4, Gaze-Based Control, the score value in the GameController object's KillTarget script is updated, but we don't show the current score to the player (set up in that chapter). We'll do this now, adding a scoreboard into the scene at the top-left corner of the backdrop PhotoPlane image:
- From the Project panel, drag the DefaultCanvas prefab directly into the Scene view
- Rename it ScoreBoard
- With ScoreBoard selected, set the Rect Transform component's Pos X, Pos Y, Pos Z to (-2.8, 7, 4.9) and the Width and Height to (3000, 480)
- With Text under ScoreBoard selected, set the Font Size to 100 and choose a noticeable color such as red for the Text
- Enter the Score: 0 sample string for Text
- Disable Image under ScoreBoard by unchecking the Enable check box or deleting it
We have added another...