Looking ahead – an overview of the project
In this chapter, we'll start by working on a first-person game in which the player character can explore an environment. The terrain features hills, valleys, and varied terrain elements.
The player will not be alone in the world. An NPC in the form of a baby chicken, that is, a chick, will also move around the environment. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the NPC will operate using an FSM with three states: Patrol, Chase, and Attack. The chick will wander around (Patrol mode) searching for the player. If the player is sighted, the NPC will chase and pursue the player (Chase mode). If, during the chase, the enemy loses sight of the player, they will return to patrolling. On the other hand, if the enemy approaches the player during the chase, the enemy will attack the player (Attack mode).
See Figure 8.1 for a sneak peek of the completed project:
Figure 8.1 - Building a world with intelligent NPCs