Writing Documentation (Extension Manual)
Good documentation is a very good reason for people to use an extension. An excellent extension without documentation will lose to an average extension with a good manual. The reason is simple people use the extension manual to know what an extension does, how it looks and what it needs to run. In other words, it is like a manual for most home appliances: "no manual—hard to operate".
In this section, we will see how to write a good manual for a TYPO3 extension.
Documentation Template
TYPO3 requires extension manuals to follow the same format, and to be based on the same template. This requirement exists due to the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER). TER renders manuals and makes them available online. All extension manuals are available at http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/. This is a very long page with a list of all available extension manuals.
A link to the manual is also available in the extension details at typo3...