Backend interface and configuration
As we mentioned before, using TypoScript, you can manage not only template configuration but also adjust the backend layout and view. We should note some common examples that can facilitate and improve work with TYPO3. These examples are:
Content column options—amount and arrangement. For example, if you use a template that contains one or two columns, you also see one or two columns in the backend, but not four.
Content element input fields' configuration—for example, if you want to remove an input field because you don't need this field and always leave it empty.
Extension fields configuration
RTE (WYSIWYG text editor) configuration, stylesheets, advanced options
And other options that you can find in the TYPO3 TSconfig (TypoScript configuration) documentations on the TYPO3 web page:
Content columns
There are four default content columns that you can see without extra options...