Using the mute feature for audio and video
Zoom meetings are built on sharing audio and video, but there are times when you may need to mute audio or video or both. It’s always best practice to enable video during any Zoom meeting. No one loves presenting to a bunch of black gallery boxes. The whole point of a video meeting is to see attendees’ reactions and non-verbal feedback. If you were in a conference room watching a presentation, you would need to be present and paying attention. It’s the same with a Zoom meeting. With that said, there are times when you may wish to mute your video camera feed as well as audio during a meeting. For example, I just had surgery on my eyes and my face was in bandages. I’m pretty sure no one wanted to see my video, so I muted it during meetings. The same is true with audio. If my dog is barking at the mailman or my child asks me to read them a book during a meeting, I’m pretty sure no one in the meeting wants to...